Want to Improve your Boxing Technique?

Sign up for Training Ground’s Boxing Technique Session here!

By Steve Evans Jr., CSCS, USAW Level 2, TPI Level 2

Get Serious About Boxing: 

Ready to take your boxing skills to the next level? Hit the mitts with our USA Boxing certified coach. Below are some of the best benefits of regularly lacing up the gloves!

Fun Cardio and Stress Relief

If you’re tired of doing the same cardio routine, look no further. Due to its interactive and playful nature, Boxing is a fun cardio option with high variety. Many clients find boxing is a constructive way to relieve stress as they hit new targets and hone their technique!

Body Composition 

Every muscle is targeted as you’re boxing, but unlike running, impact is limited to only your upper body (hello improved bone density!). As a result, energy usage is high and muscles are retained due to boxing's more intense, explosive nature.

Balance, Coordination, & Practicality 

With a major focus on footwork and movement, boxing will naturally improve your balance and coordination. This will crossover into everyday life tasks, not to mention also boxing doubles as an essential self defense skill.

Boxing Technique Session

For athletes new and experienced in boxing, the Boxing Technique Session at Training Ground in Bethesda, Maryland is a 60-minute session that drills proper fundamentals to establish effective boxing technique. Athletes will have the opportunity to learn and improve punching, footwork, and movement patterns. This session is led by USA boxing coach Tony Passero.