The Ultimate Guide to Personal Training — Training Ground

4 Mistakes I Made as I Started Training

4 Mistakes I Made as I Started Training

Many people settle into a training routine that is unique to them through a series of trial and error. After reflecting on my journey, I was able to narrow down a small list of impactful lessons. The following were mistakes over the past years that helped shape my current training routine.

Why More Gym Goers Need a Personal Trainer

Why More Gym Goers Need a Personal Trainer

More than ever, people are heading back to the gym with ambitious fitness goals. While well-intentioned, many quickly get bogged down and lose steam, quitting their plans altogether. Here are a few reasons why having a personal trainer can maximize your time and money spent in the gym.

Improve your Strength and Conditioning for Golf Performance

Improve your Strength and Conditioning for Golf Performance

Looking to improve your performance on the golf course this summer? Maximize your efforts by making strength training a staple in your program. Here are some of the top benefits golfers have to gain from consistently hitting the gym with a golf performance specialist!